CLASSLIST programs are written to give the teacher the capability of using the computer to maintain his/her records with relative ease. The records kept can be as simple or as sophisticated as he/she may wish The program also provides auxiliary procedures that will prove useful,(calendars,individual student report etc.). The user will find information screens presented or made available at various points throughout the running of the program. Nevertheless the use of the manual is recommended, particularly for the first time user. To facilitate the availability of the manual, it is included in the softwarepackage so that the user may have his/her printer, print it out at any time. You may elect to get a printout of the manual at the end of this information section. Users And Potential Users are free to copy CLASSLIST Programs. HOWEVER THE PROGRAMS ARE NOT FREE. ---------------------------------- Anyone using CLASSLIST should obtain a licence for its use. Professional integrity will, we trust, ensure that a user obtain a licence at the modest cost listed below. Classlist 5 is the result of years of development and research. A school may purchase a licence for the school that will cover all of its teachers, whether using the software at the school or at home. A Board may purchase licences for all its schools at a 25% discount Cost of Licences. ----------------- Individual teacher $ 16 Elementary (Grade) School $ 96 Secondary School $120 To receive disk copies of CLASSLIST add $12 for each copy requested. FOR A LICENCE: In the United States and Canada. -------------------------------- BARLOW TRUSTWARE, 1189,Guildwood Blvd., London N6H 4G8, Ont., Canada. [Use one pound = two dollars] In New Zealand and Australia. In Britain and Ireland. ----------------------------- ----------------------- CAISE Software, G. Palmer (Consultant) 17, Clonaig St., 51 Benslow Lane, East Brighton, 3187 Hitchin, Herts. Victoria, Australia. United Kingdom SG4 9RD. Start a New Class File Select a Class File Add New Marks Change Marks Update Attendance Add Student Name(s) Delete Student Name(s) Determine a Term Mark Determine The FINAL Mark Change a Maximum Mark, Weight or Category Change a Set of Marks Delete a set of Marks Delete\Recall (automatically) a Student's Mark Change a Class Median Suppress Student Names Marks To Date and Present Standing (Term Mark). Critical Marks (Term and Course ) plus Attendance Class Term and/or Final Mark Analysis plus Rank Ordering Monthly Attendance Register Class Mark Entry Sheet Print Individual Reports Use the 'Up' and 'Down' Arrows to Select a Routine. Then press <Enter> HELP SCREEN :Press < F1 > for information on Menu choices. HELLO SCREEN :Press <PgUp> for a return To Terminate the Program (At Anytime) Press <End> Determination of the Term or Final Marks is made by three(3) distinct methods. The choice of method may be by professional discretion or in accordance with school policy. Choose '1' where the Term mark or Final mark does not involve a formal examination. Where a final mark is being compiled, previous term marks will be taken into account. A separate screen is presented in all cases where a final mark is determined. Choose '2' where exemptions are granted to students who attain term marks above a given level. (Other criteria could apply ). Initially choosing `2' is treated as though `1' had been chosen. Choose '3' where all students write a formal exam. Choose '4' where 'Non-exempt' student's Exam marks are to be entered. Note. When an exempt student's name is presented press <Enter>.Where a student has failed to write his/her exam, enter a ZERO (0) first. TO BACK-UP Class Files press <F10>. RETRIEVAL MENU: (Printout Routines) Press <PgDn> The selection of the various menu choices leads to screens with directional information and an immediate return option. Reference to the manual is recommended for precise definition of terms. BRIEFLY. <Start a New Class File>: Permits the creation of new class files. The screens lead the user through the steps required. Note the definition `multi-class list' (Different classes with the same students) <Select a Class File>: Moves the user to the right of the screen to select an EXISTING class file. All routines that follow require a class selection to be made first. <Add New Marks>: To add a set of marks to the class records. The screen uses a 'HOW TO' assist list to help with the submissions. <Change Marks>: The routine changes INDIVIDUAL student's marks. This includes term,examination and final marks. For changes of a class set see 'Change a Set of Marks' below. <Update Attendance>: Records and updates the Total number of absences for each student in the class. <Add <Delete Student Names>>: Changes to class file by the addition or deletion of student names <Determine a Term <Final Mark>>: To determine an End of term/final mark. The determination method is specified by the teacher with screen assist. <Change a Maximum Mark>: Screen displays the set of maximum marks. Once a choice is made it can be changed at the user's will. <Change a Set of Marks>: Permits a selection of existing marks similar to the above routine. The submission of marks follows the Add Marks method <Delete, Recall a Mark>: Where it is the policy of a teacher to delete a mark to each student's advantage this routine will do it automatically. Restrictions on the choice of marks may be made by the teacher and previous deletions may be recalled. <Change a Class Median>: The routine calculates the existing median for a given term, displays it, and calls for a new median. End of term marks are changed for each student by use of a second degree equation. Marks approaching 100 are therefore not changed and no mark is lowered below 50 where the median is lowered. Should you require a copy of the manual this may be accomplished by: Pressing <PgUp> on return to the Menu Screen in order to back-step to the `HELLO' Screen. Follow this by pressing F1 again for initial information screens. At the end of those screens press F5 to print out the Manual. For hard-copy please ensure that printer is switched on and the paper set. Where appropriate a printout to the screen is a choice provided. Individual Student Codes. Select a Class File. Current Term Marks. Critical (End of Term and Final) Marks Analysis of Term and/or Final Marks. Individual Student Reports. Class Mark Entry Sheet. Each Student in the class will be assigned an individual indentification code. The code sheet needs to be treated as CONFIDENTIAL. Each student needs to know his/her code number only. This policy if followed will permit the posting of the various printouts. Set the printer and press any key when ready. If you require the marks displayed on the Screen press <Enter>. To Print coded mark sheets press <P>. To print Non-coded (Names displayed) mark sheets press <N>. To print a coded column Graph mark sheet press <G>. <PgUp> will return you to the retrieval menu The Routine places the class marks in rank order and gives an analysis of the marks. Note. Failures are determined as marks below 47%. The program assumes that marks in the range 47% - 49% will be changed. The individual student reports use 22 lines. Three (3)/page. Set the printer so as to print on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd line of first sheet, (fold or separate). When ready press <S> for a single report, (one student) OR press <C> for a complete class set printout. Print Choices Are : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Press <S> for the selected class (see above). For a set of classes press a number 1,2,3 etc. Example <3> will lead to a printout of the first three classes from the list on the right. Note. <9> is maximum. The computer has the year as . Press <Y> if using it. OR press <N> if another year required. Type in the year required and press <Enter>. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JLY AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Positiion the arrow under the required month and press <Enter>. In Brief: <Student Code Lists>: The routine prepares two lists (Side by Side> The first lists the students alphabetically with their individual numerical code. The second lists the ascending students' code with the students' names. This is a CONFIDENTIAL printout for the teacher's use only. Confidential codes permit the posting of appropriate printouts <Select a Class File>: This is an identical routine to one included with the Principal Menu routines. <Current Term Marks>: Retrieves the CURRENT term marks and calculates a present standing (Term) mark. The manual gives details of method of calculating 'TERM'. If a student has one or more zero marks, the program assumes that the mark may be changed later and calculates a PARTIAL mark as well as the TERM mark. The printout includes total absences for the students. Printout choices are given on the screen. <Critical (End of Term and Final) Marks>: Similar to the above printout which it complements by giving End of Term Exam Marks (where given) together with the End of Term and/or Final mark. <Analysis of Term and/or Final Marks>: For the selected class the routine takes the marks of the given term and (i) Places the marks in decending order. (ii) Calculates the arithmetic mean median and one standard deviation for the set of marks. (iii) States the Number and percentage of failures. Marks between 47 and 50 are not counted as failures as it is usual policy to raise or lower such marks. <Individual Student Report>: Prints out 3 individual reports per standard sheet. The reports contain the information from both the Current and Critical Marks routines with provision for a short comment. <Mark Entry Sheet>: Gives the list of students for the selected class with a mark entry grid on the right of the names. There is provision for entry of category,weighting and maximum mark. <Monthly Attendance Register>: This gives the user a very convenient monthly register for the class. The grid has the dates of the month The built in Auto-Calendar works for all dates between 1988 and 2087. Before the program opens up to the Principal Menu ,the user needs to submit the information called for in building the Parameter File <F2), The Category File <F3> and the Printer code file <F4> may be delayed. <F4> need only be used if your printer uses non standard codes. You will find, (i) It is easy to enter the information called for, (ii) The screens are self-explanatory and (iii) You will not need to return to them again unless you change school etc.. The Hello Screen will open up once you have attended to <F2> above. Welcome to Classlist 5. At the moment this is a NEW program. If this is your first visit to the HELLO screen press < F1 > so as to read the the INITIAL INFORMATION screens. Once <F1> is out of the way, press <Enter> and the program will lead to the Parameter Screen. When the Parameter File is written (Basic - - information about your teaching environment) this screen will not appear again. There are over 100 different printers in the market. To list all of these with their control codes would use more disk space than necessary, since we only need 5 different control codes. Please take a moment to get your PRINTER'S manual out, so as to type in the 5 codes required. If you have any difficulty, consult your dealer (or maybe a friend), as this file can be delayed until printouts are needed. Look up the required codes in the printer manual as called for. Write each down (Example ESC t 1 (on), ESC t 0 (off) for Epson Extended ASCI characters (128-255)). Then using your ASCI table rewrite in ASCI decimal form. Example: (ESC, t, 1) = (27, 116, 1) Note: If the control calls for the NUMBER '0' its ASCI is 48. Separate your numbers with a comma as shown above. The Class Name should not exceed 7 char. before a period(.) and 3 after. Each class 'name' MUST be different to any other class 'name' in at least one(1) character, (GEO341.04 and GEO341.05 would be fine). Check the name. If correct press <Enter>. To change press <PgUp>. Are the Students' Homerooms to be entered into their records ? Press <Y> for YES - or - <N> for NO.: -> Standard Y/N response. Type in the student's name. Surname (Family) name first followed by Given name(s) then press <Enter>. Direction keys may be used for corrections. Enter Homeroom if called. Press <PgDn> when FINISHED. The records truncate names to 24 and homerooms to 6 chars. if necessary. Sorting records and writing a New File for <Vertical Printout>: The printout format is orientated to permit an extended listing of marks. The printout is warranted where the number of sets of marks extends beyond the range of recall of normal horizontal formating and a complete listing is needed. Print ALL marks, Vertical Format and names Coded: Press <P> To print the above with names displayed: Press <N>. To return to principal menu : Press <PgUp>. SET THE PRINTER BEFORE PRESSING <P> OR <N>> <Delete a Set of Marks> Permits the selection and deletion of a set of marks. The class file is automatically compressed and updated.